Growing Microgreens Has Many Benefits for You

Growing microgreens has many benefits and is a welcome alternative, especially in winter when other vegetables are scarce. In addition to the fact that you only need a little space for it, the advantage is that you can grow it all year round, regardless of the climate...

Things to Do in the Garden in November

Although winter is slowly approaching, there are still many things to do in the garden in November. In fact, now is the ideal time to prepare the soil for the next growing season. We can transplant fruit trees and protect them from the cold, and it is also necessary...

How to Control Voles in the Garden in a Natural Way

Control voles in the garden because voles are a nuisance that destroys your vegetables. It damages not only the garden or your vegetables but also trees. If the roots of the vegetables will be the most useful during the main garden season, at the end of the season,...

Gardening Gloves With Claws to Protect Your Hands

Gardening gloves with claws allow you to dig, rake, dig, loosen, sow, pick, and simultaneously protect your hands from blisters and injuries! Those gloves are waterproof and made of durable materials that combine as many as five different garden tools in 1 glove!...

How to Use Gardening for Stress Relief and Well-Being

Regular visits and spending time in the garden positively affect the individual, so we can use gardening for stress relief and improving well-being. The garden, therefore, benefits an individual, whether a small garden on the balcony or a large garden with different...

How to Grow Chayote Plant – Growing and Care

Chayote is a pumpkin of an exceptional kind. It’s tender green and juicy, with a lemony touch of freshness. So try to grow chayote plant in your garden. DESCRIPTION: Chayota – Sechium Edule Chayota is a vigorous and long climber that needs a lot of space...

Broad Beans Growing Should Start as Early as Possible

Broad beans growing should start as early as possible. This early sowing allows the plant to develop very well before the attack of aphids and rust. Broad beans sowing go in the first half of the year. Because it is a tall plant, it is difficult for other plants to...

How to Prick Out Seedlings After Successful Dense Sowing

Beautiful and healthy seedlings grow when sowing and pricking are done successfully. Let’s look at how to prick out seedlings after successful dense sowing. Dense sowing and pricking are, in my opinion, the main “culprits” for successful seedling...

Preparing Your Garden for Spring Planting Properly

Good preparing your garden for spring planting before the start of the new gardening season is very important. We can start work when the floor is dry enough. How to Properly Preparing Your Garden for Spring Planting There is no universal advice on how to prepare the...

Removing Weeds From the Garden Throughout the Season

Hoeing and, at the same time, removing weeds from the garden throughout the season is considered one of the most unpleasant tasks. Young people avoid him at all costs; older people have already hardened their skin, but I think hoeing with classic hoes is the main...

Bokashi Food Waste Recycling System or Instant Composting

This article will introduce the bokashi. Bokashi food waste recycling system is a (beneficial) anaerobic fermentation process without oxygen. Microorganisms present on the bokashi sprinkle multiply when they come into contact with organic waste, and only this ferments...

How to Growing Onions From Onion Sets or Seeds

The advantages of growing onions from onion seeds are better crop quality, more resistant plants, and the onion not blooming. The advantages of growing onions from onion sets are shorter and simpler growing and, on average, a slightly larger yield, which is why the...

Ten Most Essential Advantages of Raised Bed Gardening

Raised beds are not new, but they are becoming increasingly popular, especially among amateur gardeners, because of the advantages of raised bed gardening. With healthy soil and proper care, raised beds can produce a large crop in a small space. Check out the other...

The Time for Growing Peas Outdoors Is Coming

What could be better than tender pods of bright green and sweet peas that herald spring? So the good news is that the time for growing peas outdoors is coming. This annual herbaceous plant from the Fabaceae family is relatively easy to grow, and there is no fear of...

Growing Spinach From Seed – How and When to Sow Spinach

Growing spinach from seed will not be difficult, even for beginners. You will only need dry seeds, a piece of soil, and goodwill. Spinach is one of the most practical and healthiest vegetables to grow in your vegetable garden. It grows throughout the year, even when...

Biodegradable Plant Pots Have Many Advantages

Biodegradable plant pots are not new, yet little is known and even less talked about. However, they have many advantages to organic farming,… More than 50 years have passed since biodegradable plant pots for sowing or planting have been used in gardening. The...

How To Use Baking Soda In The Garden

You can use baking soda in the garden for many purposes: protect plants from diseases and pests, eliminate weeds, clean tools, and do soil acidity tests. The main advantage of baking soda is its availability. You can get it in any supermarket without a pesticide card....